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GlobalConnect® Breaktime Buzz

The latest in markets, vending, office coffee and refreshments.

Understanding Heart Rate and...

February is American Heart Month, with a focus on raising awareness and providing education about heart health, and preventing heart disease. One of the best indicators of heart health is heart rate—the...

10 Foods to Avoid...

February is American Heart Month—a time to educate Americans on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle to help prevent heart disease. There is a lot of great information available about how to...

At-Home Workout Trends

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic almost one year ago, avid exercisers have had to rethink their regular routines as gyms around the country were forced to close. Even as some...

Remaining Positive in a...

After a year like 2020 and with the new year starting off still just as rocky, it can be hard to remain positive. When all of the news you see and read...

Set SMART Fitness Goals...

This time of year, it’s very easy to get too caught up in the excitement of New Year’s resolutions and setting fitness goals for yourself that are simply unattainable. Instead of creating...

Lose the Diet Mentality...

At the beginning of a new year, many people are determined to commit to their resolutions of changing their diets and losing weight. So they start out the year by drastically slashing...

Making Fitness a Priority...

This is the time of year that many people begin making New Year’s resolutions, and most often that includes a fitness goal to exercise more and get into shape. But 80 percent...

Healthier Food Swaps

Healthier Holiday DishesAlthough you’re not attending the regular round of endless holiday parties, cookie exchanges, and potluck family dinners, holiday weight gain is still a possibility, especially after many months spent at...