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Exercising During Vacation

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Exercising During Vacation


As the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be waning, at least for now, more and more people are planning to travel and are booking vacations for the first time in more than two years. Whether you’re headed to the beach, mountains, lake, or a big city for sightseeing, these much-needed vacations are a great time to relax and unwind. But vacations can sometimes find us indulging a little too much in food and drinks, and getting off track with a regular exercise routine.

You don’t have to let your vacation derail your commitment to regular exercise. Finding ways to stay active while traveling is easy to do; it just takes a little forethought and planning.

Incorporating time for exercise into your vacation schedule doesn’t have to be a chore—in fact, you can make it a fun part of your trip, whether it is walking around sightseeing or booking outdoor adventures like hiking or paddleboarding. The best advice is to try to remain consistent; if you regularly work out three times per week at home, plan to do the same while on vacation.

Planning for a vacation workout
Here are some tips to keep you on track with your fitness routine while on vacation:

Set realistic expectations
If you aren’t used to working out daily at home, don’t expect to do it while on vacation. Think about how much and what type of exercise you can incorporate into your trip, such as walks on the beach or strolling around while sightseeing.

Pack your sneakers and workout clothes.
Don’t forget to pack your gear so you’ll be more likely to exercise while away.

Go outside.
It doesn’t really matter where you’re headed on vacation, getting outside anywhere will get you moving. Go for a morning swim in the hotel pool, a walk to get breakfast, or do some shopping, or a hike in the mountains. All of these types of activities are easy ways to get active while on vacation.

Try something new.
If you are a more seasoned exerciser, you may want to plan some fun activities like kayaking, hiking, cycling, or snorkeling while on vacation, but don’t overdo it if you’re not used to this level of activity at home. Many places also offer guided walking tours to explore local sites and landmarks.

Find a buddy.
You probably planned your vacation to spend time with family or friends, so enlist your travel partner in getting some exercise like running together on the beach or renting bikes and exploring the area.

Vacation cardio ideas
There are so many ways to incorporate cardio exercise that is fun and easy during your vacation. A lot of these activities will give you a great cardio workout without actually feeling like exercising.

Walking or running on the beach.
Walking or running in soft sand burns more calories than doing the same activity on flat ground. It’s best to still wear running shoes and start out slowly until you get used to it.

Swimming, surfing, and snorkeling.
If your hotel has a pool, swimming laps is a great, refreshing activity to do, or if you’re at the beach, hit the waves. Surfing is a total body workout, and many coastal areas offer surf lessons for beginners. Snorkeling can be as leisurely or as intense as you make it, but it is definitely a fun activity that won’t even feel at all like exercise.

Beach volleyball or racquetball.
Playing volleyball or racquetball games in the sand can burn more than 150 calories per hour.

Bike rides.
Renting a bike and taking long bike rides with your friends or family is a great way to explore new areas. If you bike all day, you’ll burn loads of calories without even realizing it.

Adding hills to your walks will burn more calories. If your vacation destination has mountains or trails, head out for a hike to explore nature or take in the views.

Golf or tennis.
Walk the course and get more exercise than riding along in a golf cart. Or play a game of tennis and burn even more calories.

Shopping and sightseeing.
Make these walking activities count by briskly walking and taking stairs.

Vacation weight training
Finding cardio activities to do while on vacation is relatively easy. Lifting weights, however, can present a bit more of a challenge. Unless you plan to bring free weights along on your trip, you won’t have access to much equipment unless your hotel has an on-site gym, but even then, your equipment options may be limited.

To help maintain your strength and muscle mass while on vacation, doing a quick workout using bodyweight exercises can be a good alternative to weight training. For a list of bodyweight exercises that are ideal for traveling, click here.

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