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The latest in markets, vending, office coffee and refreshments.

Workplace Meals in the Age of Omicron

As we began the new year, most of us did not think we’d be heading back into more Covid restrictions and business closings, but as the last two years have shown us,...

Planning for a Pandemic Pivot for Your Thanksgiving Table

Thanks to the availability of vaccinations and lower rates of the Covid-19 virus in many areas, this Thanksgiving is shaping up to at least be better than last year. But now there’s...

Easy and Healthy Recipes for a Busy Life

With the holidays just around the corner, we become more frenzied this time of year. Add holiday parties, gift shopping, holiday cards, and gift wrapping to an already hectic life, and your...

Stop Eating Your Feelings

Do you find yourself grabbing a box of cookies or a bag of chips when you are upset? Or craving junk foods when you are stressed? Or using food as a reward...

Healthier Food Swaps

Healthier Holiday DishesAlthough you’re not attending the regular round of endless holiday parties, cookie exchanges, and potluck family dinners, holiday weight gain is still a possibility, especially after many months spent at...

Why is Food Safety so Important?

As well as being National Healthy Aging Month, September is also Food Safety Education Month, an educational outreach initiative to raise awareness about the steps we can all take to prevent food...

Recent posts

The Healing Power of the Great Outdoors: Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Being Outside

For Millennials and the generations before us, many can recall being encouraged by our parents to "go play outside." While some needed...

The Vital Link Between Healthy Eating and Mental Well-Being

Mental health is getting a lot of attention these days, and one thing that's getting a lot of that buzz is how...

How to Elevate the Workday with Fresh, Healthy Options from Your Micro Market

With the rise of health-conscious individuals and a growing awareness about the impact of nutrition on workplace productivity and overall well-being, many...

Deskercise for Desk Dwellers: How to Stay Active in a Sedentary Work Environment

In today's full-fledged digital era, many jobs which were once reliant on physical labor to get the job done now use robotics...

Food Trends of 2024: What We Can Expect to See in This Year’s Food Landscape

As the first quarter of the year comes to a close, the landscape of food trends for the year continues to ramp...