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Healthy Lifestyle

The latest in markets, vending, office coffee and refreshments.

The Truth about Adult ADHD: Separating Fact from Fiction

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been a topic of debate and discussion, particularly when it comes to its prevalence in adults. While there are genuine cases of adult ADHD, there is growing concern...

Unveiling the Risks: The Truth About Vaping

I think we can all agree with the medical professionals that smoking is bad for your health. But what about vapes? Vaping arose in popularity as a supposed safer alternative to smoking,...

Recognizing Signs of Suicidal Tendencies: How to Support Your Loved Ones

When you start to wonder if a loved one is suicidal, let's face it, that can be scary. But what signs can you look out for to know for sure and also,...

Master Your Breath, Master Your Exercise: Effective Breathing Techniques

Have you ever wondered just how much more air your body needs when you exercise? When at rest, we typically breathe around 15 times per minute. However, during exercise that number increases...

Say Hello to Healthy Vending: Eating Smart at Work

In today's fast-paced business world, time is precious. Vending has emerged as a valuable solution, providing sustenance and convenience. Whether you crave a quick on-the-go snack or a heartier meal, there are...

How to Foster a Culture of Health and Wellness in the Workplace

At GlobalConnect, we understand the critical role that a healthy workforce plays in a company's success. As leading providers of nutritious break room solutions, we've seen first-hand how small changes can make...

How to Buy Perfectly Ripe Produce

No one wants to go to the grocery store, buy produce for the week, and get it home only to realize much of it isn't ready to use yet, or it is...

Maximizing Your Farmer’s Market Experience: Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Shopping Trip

With all the ways our food has been changed and processed over the last fifty years, more and more people are coming to realize that the quality of their food is crucial...

Recent posts

Fuel Your Body Right: A Beginner’s Guide to Macronutrients

Understanding the Basics of Macronutrients We're sure you know how important it is to eat a balanced diet and...

Supercharge Your Brain with Nutrient-Rich Micro Market Snacks

It’s a familiar scene—2 PM rolls around, and you feel like your brain has hit a wall. You're not alone; many office...

Office Dogs: Improving Focus and Productivity Through Pet Breaks

Many modern-day workspaces seek to make some relaxing changes to their office environments. While it may seem counterproductive to encourage relaxation at...

The Importance of Hydration: Daily Water Intake for Better Health and Well-being

We've all heard the advice to drink more water, often to the point of it becoming a nagging refrain. However, rarely are...

Quick and Healthy Summer Recipes for Picnics and Barbecues

The sun is hot, the water is cool, and another summer gathering is underway. Summertime is prime time for outdoor gatherings that...