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GlobalConnect® Breaktime Buzz

The latest in markets, vending, office coffee and refreshments.

How to Buy Perfectly...

No one wants to go to the grocery store, buy produce for the week, and get it home only to realize much of it isn't ready to use yet, or it is...

Maximizing Your Farmer’s Market...

With all the ways our food has been changed and processed over the last fifty years, more and more people are coming to realize that the quality of their food is crucial...

The Importance of Strength...

One thing we can never escape is aging. It is an inevitable process of life that started the day we were born, but it doesn't mean that we have to accept physical...

The Benefits of Joining...

Have you been looking for a fun and engaging way to stay active as you age? Maybe you feel that going through routine exercises just isn't cutting it anymore. We all know...

Unlocking the Natural Benefits...

Many plants in this world have medicinal properties, but none are quite so widely used as the Aloe vera plant. For centuries, Aloe vera has been used for its healing properties and...

Quench Your Thirst Naturally:...

When it comes to drinking water, we've all heard that "8 glasses a day" is the proper amount for staying hydrated. However, there's no scientific evidence to support this number as a...

Four Ways Exercise Improves...

Have you ever found yourself spending countless dollars on expensive skincare products in your pursuit of glowing, youthful skin and wondered, "Is there a more natural approach I can take that won't...

Your Aging Skin Journey:...

Aging is an inevitable part of life, and while it brings wisdom and experience, it also brings changes to our bodies—including changes to our skin. As we age, our skin goes through...