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healthy living

The latest in markets, vending, office coffee and refreshments.

Dietary Supplements: Safe or Scam?

Walk into any drugstore or big box store, and you can find at least one full aisle dedicated to dietary supplements. Products like vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbal products, weight loss supplements, fish...

Preventing Heart Disease at Any Age

Many people mistakenly believe that heart disease only affects elderly people, but heart disease can strike at any age. The truth is that the lifestyle choices you make now will have an...

Create a Colorful Plate by Eating the Rainbow

A colorful plate is more than just Instagram-worthy. Eating meals with a variety of colors is good for your health. Think red tomatoes, leafy greens, bright blueberries, orange carrots, or purple eggplants—basically,...

Understanding Heart Rate and Why It’s Important

February is American Heart Month, with a focus on raising awareness and providing education about heart health, and preventing heart disease. One of the best indicators of heart health is heart rate—the...

At-Home Workout Trends

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic almost one year ago, avid exercisers have had to rethink their regular routines as gyms around the country were forced to close. Even as some...

Remaining Positive in a Challenging World

After a year like 2020 and with the new year starting off still just as rocky, it can be hard to remain positive. When all of the news you see and read...

Set SMART Fitness Goals That You Can Actually Achieve

This time of year, it’s very easy to get too caught up in the excitement of New Year’s resolutions and setting fitness goals for yourself that are simply unattainable. Instead of creating...

Lose the Diet Mentality – Make Small Changes to See Big, Long-term Results

At the beginning of a new year, many people are determined to commit to their resolutions of changing their diets and losing weight. So they start out the year by drastically slashing...

Recent posts

The Healing Power of the Great Outdoors: Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Being Outside

For Millennials and the generations before us, many can recall being encouraged by our parents to "go play outside." While some needed...

The Vital Link Between Healthy Eating and Mental Well-Being

Mental health is getting a lot of attention these days, and one thing that's getting a lot of that buzz is how...

How to Elevate the Workday with Fresh, Healthy Options from Your Micro Market

With the rise of health-conscious individuals and a growing awareness about the impact of nutrition on workplace productivity and overall well-being, many...

Deskercise for Desk Dwellers: How to Stay Active in a Sedentary Work Environment

In today's full-fledged digital era, many jobs which were once reliant on physical labor to get the job done now use robotics...

Food Trends of 2024: What We Can Expect to See in This Year’s Food Landscape

As the first quarter of the year comes to a close, the landscape of food trends for the year continues to ramp...

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