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healthy living

The latest in markets, vending, office coffee and refreshments.

Working Out From Home: It’s Easier Than You Think!

Working out from home is a great way to get fit without having to venture outside or spend extra money on gym memberships. With the right plan, you can make progress toward...

Rewarding Yourself Without Breaking Your Health Goals

The holiday season can be challenging. Temptations to break your health goals are everywhere, and you may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to overindulge. The holidays don't have to mean ditching all...

How to Reduce Food Waste This Holiday Season

This holiday season, let's take the time to reduce food waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, every year unwanted or surplus food amounts to close to 1/4 of what is filling...

10 Festive and Healthy Party Foods to Try This Christmas

'Tis the season of Christmas parties and holiday gatherings, which usually means ample food! But maybe you want this year to be different, one where you don't overindulge in high-sugar holiday treats...

6 Weight-Loss-Friendly Food Combinations

If you're trying to lose weight, you might be wondering what types of food combinations can help give you the edge. While there's no magic formula for weight loss, certain food combinations...

A Closer Look at Artificial Sweeteners

We all know that we should be cutting down on sugar. It's hidden in so many of the foods we eat, from bread to cereal to pasta sauce. So what's a health-conscious...

Understanding the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that November is Diabetes Awareness Month? According to the CDC, more than 1 out of every 10 Americans has diabetes. So, even if you don't have it yourself, chances...

7-Day Gluten-Free Meal Plan

If you've been noticing an increasing number of gluten-free products lining the shelves at your local supermarket, there's a good reason for it. More and more people are choosing to go gluten-free,...

Recent posts

The Vital Link Between Healthy Eating and Mental Well-Being

Mental health is getting a lot of attention these days, and one thing that's getting a lot of that buzz is how...

How to Elevate the Workday with Fresh, Healthy Options from Your Micro Market

With the rise of health-conscious individuals and a growing awareness about the impact of nutrition on workplace productivity and overall well-being, many...

Deskercise for Desk Dwellers: How to Stay Active in a Sedentary Work Environment

In today's full-fledged digital era, many jobs which were once reliant on physical labor to get the job done now use robotics...

Food Trends of 2024: What We Can Expect to See in This Year’s Food Landscape

As the first quarter of the year comes to a close, the landscape of food trends for the year continues to ramp...

Starting the New Year off Right: Tips for Setting Health Goals for Your Business and Employees

As we enter a new year, almost everyone and every business has plans for growth and improvement. One area in which many...

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